TuneBase Reference Platform
Please note: The TuneBase is a discontinued product. It is listed here for archive purposes only.
The TuneBase Reference Platform is designed from the ground up as a totally new approach to high performance isolation and energy dissipation platforms. Measuring just 1.5 inches high, the TuneBase integrates key carbon and tungsten carbide technologies – resulting in true reference-level performance.
The heart of this system is a massive, precision-machined plate of pure carbon graphite, our signature material for absorbing mechanical energy. With a uniquely low mechanical impedance, the material readily accepts energy, but it’s layered molecular structure dissipates energy as heat without leaving a sonic signature of it’s own – truly one of the greatest disappearing acts in all of hifi. The result is the removal of a layer of grunge you probably didn’t know existed; allowing the speed, clarity and ambient retrieval your system to shine through – think more "music" and less "reproduction".

Our work with the TuneBlock line taught us several things about resonance control. First, graphite is a wonderful material for absorbing spurious resonance and vibration. And we’re not the only ones to come to this conclusion – from professional reviewers to the hundreds of customers who have written us about their experiences, TuneBlocks have set a new standard for audiophile performance. But we found that graphite works best when it works the least – in other words, dealing with component-induced resonance and not shelf vibration. For example, TuneBlocks, as you move up the line, have two things in common – more distance between the tip of the bearing and the platform, and more mass. For example, the highest performing TuneBlock SE is nearly 7 times as massive as the Mini, and more than twice as massive as our Standard model.
The TuneBase is unique in that it frees the carbon from most shelf-induced vibration by resting on a dense sheet of resin-impregnated foam. This allows the graphite layer to work better than previously possible - setting the reference by which other platforms may be measured.
The heavy 14ga stainless plate not only looks great, it serves a purpose. Stainless steel is an outstanding at energy transfer, so as energy encounters the sheet from the TuneBlock or other coupler, it is propelled outwards over the surface of the graphite. This greatly improves the effectiveness of the graphite since the energy is spread over a larger area.
To protect the inner workings of the TuneBase, the bottom and sides are protected by a single sculptured sheet of brushed, black anodized aluminum.
The standard TuneBase measures 19 inches wide by 14 inches deep and, when using the Classic TuneBlocks with tungsten carbide bearings, can accommodate components slightly larger in either direction – the vast majority of components on the market.
The TuneBase has been load tested to over 500 pounds.